Yoga Hike, Concerts & Events In August & September! |
Dear Friend,
What a busy and wonderful season we had at our Yoga Studio this year. I am in awe and so grateful for all that happens in our wonderful space. Thank you for your continued support!
As our summer days get warmer, heat accumulates in the earth and in our own bodies. This heat or fire quality (pitta) can become over abundant in our digestive system and then spill into the blood stream, eventually causing imbalances in different tissue systems. Luckily, nature provides perfect anecdotes for balancing this heat quality. We just need to look around. All of the wonderfully abundant sweet fruits, berries and veggies that are available in this season have a balancing cool quality. Avoid hot spicy or fermented food and make sure you add cucumbers, cilantro, mint, salads, whole grains, and sweet summer fruit to your diet.
Wishing you have had long, luxurious summer days and as we head towards the start of the school year, do take a moment for inner reflection!
Happy End Off Summer!
Ajita & The Healers At The Sanctuary
You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the mighty ocean in a drop. Rumi