A Happy New Year to you! I hope that each of you are settling into the energy of what the New Year represents and bringing forward positive intentions for the year ahead. As we think about how we would like to live this year, let us remember to refrain from resolving to change who we are or become but rather do our best to uncover the truth and take part in what brings forward our best self!
As we stay true focused on our intentions, let us be gentle to ourselves, compassionate and trust we are on our path as we work through the challenges that arise. We hope we can support you with your unveiling throughout the year as we continue to explore our yoga practice and what it brings forward for each of us.
January is going to be a full month and we couldn't be more enthusiastic to share what is going on. We have added quite a few new Yoga classes to our schedule, great workshops such as a Monthly Soundbath, Family Constellations, Reiki Healing Circle and unique workshops on topics such as learning to read your Akashic Records as well as a Live Channeling Event with Julius. Of course, our quarterly 'Soul Fest' has been finalized for March 8th so please save the date!
Our School of Ayurveda has started accepting students for the next AHC (Ayurvedic Health Counselor) Certification program starting in March of 2020. We hope to see you at one or many of these events and please do bring your friends and family to these events. And by all means. do let us know if there are any workshops that may be an interest to our community and we will see what we can do to bring them on
Thank you for being a part of our Community on 2019 and look forward to the same in 2020
With much love and happiness
Ajita and all at the Sanctuary